“The Test of Bravery wasn’t your average, run of the mill tradeshow booth…”
Drizzling a melting ice cube across unsuspecting fingertips. Tickling a wrist with feathers and then quickly smacking on a slap bracelet can cooler. Gently scraping a spork down an arm causing goosebumps. Whoa, take a breath, roll down the window and get some fresh air – what exactly are we talking about? This doesn’t sound like your average, run of the mill tradeshow booth… and that’s because it isn’t.
Event attendees spent The High Five Marketing Conference networking or feverishly taking notes in the various workshops and presentations. Me? I was the one that was behind that wall. The Brand Fuel “Test of Bravery” Trust Wall. I was the one you couldn’t see, but likely met. I offered you a mysterious shot of Ranch Dressing Soda or playfully tugged your finger into a Chinese Finger Trap. It might have been scary for you to stick your hand through that opening, not knowing what was going to happen. You had to blindly trust a stranger connected to a company known for its irreverence.
I also had to trust you too, the faceless hand that was coming towards me. Some hands were confident, ready to be challenged, and to challenge me back. Other hands were trembling as they silently questioned, “Why exactly am I taking this risk?”
Participating in the Brand Fuel Test of Bravery and agreeing to experience something unique and unexpected was an unspoken partnership between the two of us. We wanted you to take a risk and trust our brand, but we also wanted you to be electrified with emotion by the outcome. Since you were brave and agreed to participate in the unknown, together we achieved something memorable that we won’t soon forget. It might have seemed small, this bizarre act of sticking your hand through a fur-curtained opening and hoping for a nice piece of Brand Fuel swag, but it wasn’t – it was epic. That’s right, I said it…Epic. And Weird. And Fun. And Powerful.
A Brand Fuel tagline is “Be Brave.” That is certainly not something we take lightly. We know that trusting us with your business’ most precious asset, your brand, is the ultimate display of faith in our company. We challenge clients to think beyond using a fishbowl to get random business cards while adult trick-or-treaters walk off with tradeshow bags full of your branded giveaways for their kids.
For years, we have been creating unique promotional products, but now we also want to offer you the opportunity to deliver those products through unforgettable eXperiences for your customers, your prospects, and your staff.
We want you to learn one of our recipes for standing out in this fast-paced Digital Age: that emotional and human connections, paired with thoughtful branded giveaways, will help you be remembered in a fun and impactful way.
We’d like to help get your customized Brand Fuel eXperience into the hands, hearts, and minds of your employees and customers.
If you think you can stomach it, watch the Brave Wall recap video here.
Bridget Ray, Sales & Marketing Coordinator and the Deliverer of Ranch Soda shots